
Jeremy Richter

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Jeremy grew up in the San Diego area and after moving to different cities in California and a couple of different states, he has found himself back in San Diego!

What led to Performance Coaching?

Jeremy’s interest in the field of performance coaching was initially sparked by a Sport Psychology course in undergraduate school. He had always wondered why he could dominate on the playground, but was not as much of a standout in organized sports. This was an epiphany of sorts that explained his own life and he had to know more.

Jeremy had already coached hundreds of people in fitness and well-being prior to learning about sport and positive psychology and when he added in that additional knowledge base it allowed him to become more than just a motivational speaker, and to instead empower clients to truly motivate themselves in order to actually (more than just a hashtag) live their best life.

Now, as a practicing professional in the field, Jeremy’s experience is incredibly expansive, varying from delivering performance coaching to collegiate level athletes and coaches all the way to business corporations such as Foster Farms, 24 Hour Fitness, Smart Gear and construction companies.

Philosophy on success?

Jeremy believes one of the biggest contributors to success is a determination to put effort towards the process. There needs to be an understanding that we cannot control outcomes, which means the effort ought to be on the process, creating controllable steps towards growth in a way that sets one up for more advantageous outcomes. Jeremy has adopted this mindset in his own life, which has contributed to him having an exceptional drive- he has an intense desire that makes him not consider barriers, but to instead just make things happen. He will find any way possible to have fun and enjoy life.

Jeremy describes his personal philosophy as: "Be a Lovecat!" Lovecat is a term from his days in graduate school, meaning to be an energy giver, not an energy sucker. The goal is to bring energy, good vibes, and help to others.

Philosophy on coaching?

Jeremy brings this personal philosophy consistently to his own coaching style, which consists of striving to enable others to thrive. He understands that one approach does not work for everyone and, regardless of his knowledge and experience, he feels he must seek to understand who he is working with and foster a strong relationship so they can truly experience the care for their growth that he has.

He feels when him and his client come together as a team, then good things can take place.

Jeremy’s favorite part about working with a client is when certain moments of complete immersion take place…just two people coming together in a special moment in time. He feels the ability to be fully present in these moments is already a gift, but when a sense of empowerment is added, not just for that one period in time, but in a way that can last a lifetime- this is truly remarkable to experience.

Favorite Quote?

"It isn't what you do, but how you do it."

-John Wooden

Ready to get started?

Tell us more about why you're wanting to work with an elite performance coach. Contact us today to schedule your complimentary initial consultation!